10/11/2015 19:1847/2015 – Information on conclusion of an amendment to a material agreement
The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”), in reference to Current Report No. 35/2015, announces about mutual signing by Trakcja PRKiI S.A. in Warsaw, acting as a representative of the Consortium composed as follows:
1. Trakcja PRKiI S.A. based in Warsaw,
2. Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw i Utrzymania Infrastruktury Kolejowej w Krakowie Sp. z o.o. based in Krakow
(“Consortium”, “Contractor”)
PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. based in Warsaw (the “Client“), of the Amendment (the “Amendment”) to the material agreement for designing and execution of construction work on the railway line Kraków – Medyka – national border at the section Dębica – Sędziszów Małopolski , km 111,500 – 133,600 , as part of the Project “Upgrade of the Railway Line E 30/C-E 30, section Kraków – Rzeszów, stage III”; Tender procedure 2.2 (the “Agreement”), concluded on 16 December 2010.
Detailed information on the Agreement, including information on its value, was provided by the Company in the current reports: 44/2010 dated 16.12.2010, 44/2010 K dated 17.12.2010, and 30/2015 dated 8.07.2015.
In its Current Report 35/2015 of 20 August 2015, the Company informed about the extending of time limit for performing the work defined in the Agreement to 10 November 2015, due to circumstances that were not attributable to the Contractor. The Client assumed that the date associated with the preparation of procurement procedure and the time necessary to make reinforcements to railway subgrade would be known by 10 November 2015, and thus it would be possible to determine a target date for extension of the performance of the Works specified in the Agreement.
Pursuant to the Amendment referred to in this report, the Parties changed the time limit for execution of the Works and agreed that they would be completed by 14 March 2017.
At the same time, it has been reserved in the Amendment that where the date of conclusion of an agreement with the railway subgrade reinforcement contractor is changed, or work under that agreement is delayed, the period for performance of the Work shall be changed respectively to the period resulting from changes in the date of conclusion of agreement with the railway subgrade reinforcement contractor, or respectively to the period of delay in execution of the railway subgrade reinforcement works.
Other provisions of the Agreement remain unaffected.
The criterion to deem the Agreement a material agreement is the fact that its value exceeds 10% of Company’s equity.
Legal basis:
Section 5 paragraph 1 subparagraph 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing information required by laws of non-member states as equivalent.