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10/11/2015 16:04

46/2015 – Information on conclusion of a material agreement

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“the Company”) hereby announces that the Company concluded today with Zurich Insurance plc Niederlassung für Deutschland based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (“the Guarantor”) a guarantee line agreement with guarantee limit of up to PLN 70,000,000.00 (say: seventy million zloty), hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”.

The period of availability of the guarantee limit is until 31 October 2018.


1. Submission of a blank promissory note with a promissory note declaration by the Company to the Guarantor

2. Making a declaration of submission to enforcement pursuant to Art. 777 paragraph 1 point 5 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws 2014.101, as amended) by the Company to the Guarantor,

3. Where the period of validity of any guarantee issued under the Agreement exceeds 60 months, the guarantor may request the Company to submit a cash collateral in order to secure the guarantee for a period exceeding 60 months from the date of its issue.

4. The Guarantor may request the Company to establish a security deposit in the form of taking over the amount as a collateral

Other terms of the Agreement do not differ from contractual terms that are usually used for this type of agreement.

The criterion for deeming the Agreement a material agreement was the fact that the value of the Agreement exceeded 10% of Company’s equity capital.

Legal basis for the report:

Section 5 paragraph 1 subparagraph 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing information required by laws of non-member states as equivalent. 
