14/09/2017 12:1916/2017 – Information on the appointment of Mr Maciej Sobczyk as the Vice-President of the Management Board
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company”) hereby announces that on 14 September 2017 the Supervisory Board of the Company adopted a resolution on appointing Mr Maciej Sobczyk as Vice-President of the Management Board, as of 14 September 2017.
Mr Maciej Sobczyk is a graduate of the Management Faculty of the Warsaw Management University and the ICAN Institute. He is an educated electrician specializing in electric traction, and holds numerous specialist electric and construction authorizations related, amongst others, with electric traction supply and multi-industry works connected with modernizations of railway lines.
Mr Maciej Sobczyk has been with Trakcja PRKiI S.A. since 1983, where:
– in the years 1983 – 2008 he has worked as: technician, foreman, works manager, construction manager
– in the years 2009 – 2017 he was: contracts director, production director, director in charge of preparation of the railway and power markets, railway and power market director.
According to the submitted declaration, Mr Maciej Sobczyk:
- he is not involved in any activity that is competitive to that conducted by the Company;
- He does not run private business and do not fulfil other obligations that may result in a conflict of interest with his obligations towards the Company;
- he is not a partner in any partnership that is competition towards the company;
- he is not a member of any governing body of any other company that is competition towards the Company;
- he does not participate in another competitive legal person as a member of its governing bodies;
- he is not registered with the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained under the Law on National Court Register.
Legal basis: Article 5 paragraph 1 point 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing information required by laws of non-member states as equivalent (Journal of Laws No. 33, item 259, as amended). (Dz. U. nr 33, poz, 259 ze zm.)