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5/02/2023 09:37

Trakcja will prepare the site for the CPK

On February 5, 2023, Trakcja S.A. signed a contract with Centralny Port Komunikacyjny for “Performance of demolition works along with clearing the area – executive contract to the framework contract for preparatory work on the construction of Centralny Port Komunikacyjny – Execution of preparatory works Package 1.”

The detailed scope of the contract includes a number of preparatory works, including demolition works for the implementation of projects comprising both the construction of the Airport and other elements of the Central Communication Port.

Trakcja will carry out the demolition of existing buildings and construction equipment located in the communes of Wiskitki and Teresin.

The Central Communication Port is a planned transfer junction between Warsaw and Łódź, which will integrate air, rail and road transport. As part of this project, Solidarność Airport will be built 37 kilometres west of Warsaw on an area of approximately 3,000 hectares and will be able to handle 45 million passengers a year in the first phase. CPK is 100% owned by the State Treasury.
