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29/03/2023 09:46

We are starting with more demolition work

Trakcja S.A. entered into an agreement with Centralny Port Komunikacyjny Sp. z o.o. on 27.03.2023 to carry out site preparation work for the construction of a mega airport in Baranowo.

The subject of the concluded executive contract  Package 2 within the framework agreement is the development of design documentation, execution, demolition works of the existing real estate and construction equipment, as well as cleaning up the area on which the CPK Airport will be built. 
The framework agreement signed in 2022 for preparatory work on the construction of the Central Airport allows the CPK company to contract orders under simplified executive procedures.

Trakcja has 105 days from the date of concluding the contract to perform the works under Package 2. 

On 16.03 of this year, an acceptance protocol was signed for the works within Package 1 execution contract, signed on 5 February. Trakcja carried out the demolition of existing buildings and construction equipment located in the communes of Wiskitki and Teresin.
