15/11/2022 14:3485/2022 – Preliminary estimates of the Company’s and Trakcja Group’s financial performance for the 9 months of 2022
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the „Company”, the “Issuer”) informs that today marks the completion of a preliminary analysis of available financial performance data of the Issuer’s Group’s units and process of collecting financial data for the purposes of preparing a consolidated report for the Trakcja Group for the 9-month period –ended on 30 September 2022. Accordingly and further to current report no. 84/2022, the Company has decided to provide the general public with preliminary estimates of the Company’s and Trakcja Group’s financial performance for the 9 months of 2022:
• Preliminary estimated financial performance of the Company for the 9 months of 2022:
Revenue on sales: PLN 493,709,000.00
Gross result from sales: PLN -152,615,000.00
EBITDA: PLN -169,481,000.00
Net result: PLN -301,774,000.00
• Preliminary estimated consolidated financial performance of the Trakcja Group for the 9 months of 2022:
Revenue on sales: PLN 971,345,000.00
Gross result from sales: PLN -176,066,000.00
EBITDA: PLN -202,697,000.00
Net result: PLN -321,208,000.00
The final data of the Company’s and Group’s financial performance shall be provided in the consolidated quarterly report for the 9-month period ending on 30 September 2022, which, in accordance with the accepted report publishing calendar, shall be published on 24 November 2022.
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