Home/Aktualności/ 57/2012 – Information about the appointment of Mr. Nerijus Eidukevieius to the function of Vice President of the Management Board
19/09/2012 19:22
57/2012 – Information about the appointment of Mr. Nerijus Eidukevieius to the function of Vice President of the Management Board
The Management Board of Trakcja-Tiltra S.A. (the “Company”) would like to inform that on 19 October 2012 the Supervisory Board of the Company adopted a resolution on appointingMr Nerijus Eidukevièius as Vice-President of the Management Board, as of 19 September 2012.
Required information on the appointed managing person:
Mr.Eidukevièius Nerijus has a university degree. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Vilnius (1994).
Previously held positions and professional career:
in the years 1993-1996
Suprema -financial broker – consultant
in the years 1997-1999
Hansa Invest – consultant,
in 2000
Deloitte & Touche – consultant,
in the years 2001-2004
Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania,
in the years 2002-2006
Prezes Zarządu Maeikiu Nafta,
in the years 2006-2008
Director General (CEO) AB Kauno Tiltai,
in the years 2009-2011since 2011 to date
Member of the Management Board Tiltra Group AB (now Lithold AB),President of the Management Board Tiltra Group AB (now Lithold AB),
since 2008 to date
President of the Management Board – AB Kauno Tiltai.
Mr. Nerijus Eidukevièius, according to the present statements:
does not engage in competitive activities to the Company;
does not pursue private interests and does not perform other duties which would be in a conflict of interests with the duties towards the Company;
is not a partner in another competing commercial law partnership;
is not a shareholder of another competing capital company;
does not participate in another competing legal person as a member of its governing body;
is not entered into the Register of Insolvent Debtors on the basis of the act on the National Court Register.
Legal basis: § 5, section 1, clause 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and regular information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for accepting information required by the provisions of the law of a state which is not a Member State as being equivalent (Journal of Laws no. 33, item 259, as amended).