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7/06/2013 10:07

46/2013 – Informacja o projekcie Uchwały akcjonariusza na Zwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (“Company”) hereby announces the draft resolution for Ordinary General Meeting scheduled for 12 June 2013, submitted on 7 June 2013 by a shareholder, Tadeusz Kałdonek to be included in the 12. item of the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting scheduled for 12 June 2013. In a letter to the Company, the shareholder informed of his intention to present the enclosed draft resolution to the Ordinary General Meeting according to the procedure set out in Art. 401 § 5 of the Commercial Companies Code. The relevant draft resolution is attached to this current report; it also can be found on the Company website at in tab General Meeting / 2013 / Ordinary General Meeting.

Legal basis for the report: Article 56 par. 1 point 1 of the Act on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to organised trading system and on public companies 
