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11/06/2013 20:36

48/2013 – Selection of an entity entitled to analyse financial statements

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (“the Company”) informs that on 11 June 2013, pursuant to Article 16, section 2, point 7 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company’s Supervisory Board decided to select BDO sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, at ul. Postępu 12, 02-676 Warsaw, as an entity entitled to analyse financial statements (licence no. KIBR 3355), who shall be entrusted with:

a)       a review of the Company’s unit and consolidated half-yearly financial statement for the first half-year of  2013;

b)       a review of unit financial statements of companies belonging to Trakcja S.A. Capital Group for the first half-year of 2013;

c)       an analysis of the Company’s unit and consolidated half-yearly financial statement for 2013;

d)       an analysis of unit and consolidated yearly statements of Trakcja S.A. Capital Group’s Companies for 2013.

Before, the Company used services of BDO sp. z o.o. and BDO Numerica International Auditors and Consultants sp. z o.o. (currently, BDO sp. z o.o.) in the scope of analysing financial statements and consolidated financial statements for 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008, as well as services of BDO Numerica S.A. in the scope of analysing financial statements and consolidated financial statements for years 2004 – 2007.

The Contract shall be concluded for the period of revising half-yearly financial statements referred to under points a) and b) drawn as of 30-06-2013 and analysing yearly financial statements referred to under points c) and d) drawn as of 31-12-2013.

The Company’s Supervisory Board selected an entity entitled to analyse financial statements pursuant to binding provisions and professional norms.

Legal grounds: paragraph 5, section 1, point 19 of the Resolution of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 regarding current and periodical information forwarded by the issuers of securities and terms of considering the information required by legal provisions of a country not being a Member State as equivalent.  
