20/04/2022 14:2020/2022 – Information on the modification of preliminary estimated financial performance of the Company and Group for the fourth quarter of 2021 and for the 12-month period ending on 31 December 2021
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the „Company”) informs that on 20 April 2022, as a result of a modification of the accepted estimates in the process of preparation of the financial statements, there has been a significant modification of published preliminary estimates of the Company’s and Group’s financial performance for the fourth quarter of 2021 and for the 12-month period ending on 31 December 2021, as published by the Company, respectively in Current Reports nos. 10/2022 and 5/2022.
The previously published estimates of the Company’s and Group’s financial performance for the foregoing periods have been modified primarily due to the following:
1. Modification of estimates concerning provisions for adjustment work with regard to two railroad contracts;
2. Modification of estimates concerning provisions for employee bonuses for 2021;
3. Modification of estimates concerning the impairment of value of receivables for past-due supplies and services over 365 days;
4. Modification of estimates concerning performances set out in the budgets of two contracts in accordance with settlements reached after the balance sheet date.
The total impact of the foregoing adjustments on the gross result of Trakcja S.A. and the Trakcja Group for the fourth quarter of 2021 and for the 12-month period ending on 31 December 2021 is negative and amounts to PLN 5,791,000.00
The preliminary estimates of Trakcja S.A.’s financial performance for the fourth quarter of 2021:
Revenue on sales: PLN 249,725,000.00
Gross result from sales: PLN 7,940,000.00
EBITDA: PLN 22,451,000.00
Net result: PLN 36,751,000.00
The preliminary estimates of Trakcja S.A.’s financial performance for 12-month period ending on 31 December 2021
Revenue on sales: PLN 792,762,000.00
Gross result from sales: PLN 15, 291,000.00
EBITDA: PLN 22,101,000.00
Net result: PLN 9,503,000.00
The preliminary estimates of the Trakcja Group’s financial performance for the fourth quarter of 2021:
Revenue on sales: PLN 456,367,000.00
Gross result from sales: PLN 29,061,000.00
EBITDA: PLN 45,897,000.00
Net result: PLN 28,248,000.00
The preliminary estimates of the Trakcja Group’s financial performance for the 12-month period ending on 31 December 2021
Revenue on sales: PLN 1,424 841,000.00
Gross result from sales: PLN 57,638,000.00
EBITDA: PLN 59,283,000.00
Net result: PLN: -1 625,000.00
The foregoing data are of a preliminary nature and are being reviewed by an auditor. The final financial results of the Company and Group shall be provided subsequently in the unit and consolidated report for the 12-month period ending on 31 December 2021, which, in accordance with the accepted report publishing calendar, shall be published on 29 April 2022.
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Article 17 (1) MAR