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19/04/2023 09:50

Further tasks in the Łódź region

Construction of a road layout with technical infrastructure, in Łękińsko in the area of ul. Łąkowa, ul. Północna, ul. Rolna and ul. Ustronna that consists of two parts. Part I: Construction of an approx. 1.27 km long road system Part II: Construction of a road system with a length of approx. 1.91 km – these are new tasks covered by contracts signed by Trakcja Company with the Municipality of Kleszczów on April 19, 2023.

Both tasks include the construction of more than 3 km of roadway, the construction of a footpath, pavements, cycle paths, intersections and individual exits to plots. 
The scope of this investment also includes the development of a complete technical infrastructure, which includes a water supply network, a sewerage network, a gas network, a street lighting network, as well as an electricity network and a telecommunications network with connections to the plots.

Tasks with a total net value of nearly PLN 38.5 million are planned for 18 months. 

Łękińsko is a village located in the Łódź Voivodeship, in the Bełchatów County, in the Kleszczów Commune. The contracted works will significantly improve the quality of life of the surrounding population by increasing territorial cohesion. 

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