19/04/2023 12:2611/2023 – Information on Contracts Entered into by Trakcja S.A.
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company,” the “Issuer”) announces that today it has entered into contracts with Gmina Kleszczów, located at ul. Główna 47, 97-410 Kleszczów, as the client, for the execution of works under the projects “Construction of the road network, including technical infrastructure, in Łękińsk in the area of ul. Łąkowa, ul. Północna, ul. Rolna, and ul. Ustronna – Part 1: construction of the road network with a length of approx. 1.27 km along with technical infrastructure between ul. Łąkowa and ul. Rolna in Łękińsk” and “Construction of the road network, including technical infrastructure, in Łękińsk in the area of ul. Łąkowa, ul. Północna, ul. Rolna, and ul. Ustronna – Part 2: construction of the road network with a length of approx. 1.91 km along with technical infrastructure in the area of ul. Rolna in Łękińsk” (the “Contracts”). The conclusion of these Contracts follows the selection of the Company’s offers as the most advantageous in the open tender.
The net value of the Contracts is PLN 13,871,990.59 and PLN 24,532,933.08, respectively (totaling PLN 38,404,923.67). The works are to be completed within 18 months from the date of the Contracts.
The remaining terms of the Contracts do not differ from those commonly applied to such contracts.
The Management Board of the Issuer decided to publish this information as the execution of the aforementioned Contracts represents a further step towards the diversification of the Company’s activities.
Legal Basis: Article 17 MAR