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10/10/2023 10:22

36/2023 – Information on Significant Contract Entered into by Consortium Involving Trakcja S.A.

Zarząd Spółki Trakcja S.A. (“Spółka”, “Emitent”) informs that today a contract was signed with the following parties: Trakcja S.A. [as Consortium Partner], Zakład Robót Komunikacyjnych – DOM w Poznaniu sp. z o.o. based in Poznań, ul. Mogileńska 10G, 61-052 Poznań, KRS 0000027669 [as Consortium Leader], and „Intop Warszawa” sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw, ul. Łukasza Drewny 70, 02-968 Warsaw, KRS 0000274849 [as Consortium Partner] – collectively referred to as the “Contractor” and PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. as the “Ordering Party” for the execution of works under the project titled: “Preparation of project documentation and execution of construction works in the ‘Design and Build’ formula for the project titled: ‘Revitalization of the railway line on the section Sokołów Podlaski – Siedlce’ carried out under the Local and Regional Railway Infrastructure Supplementation Program – Kolej+ until 2029” (“Contract”).

The scope of the Contract is divided into a Basic Scope and three Optional Parts, namely:

  1. Option 1: Unilateral right of the Ordering Party to increase the scope of the Contract to include the design and execution of works related to the expansion of the planned Podnieśno station by installing an additional main track.
  2. Option 2: Unilateral right of the Ordering Party to increase the scope of the Contract to include the design and execution of works for the construction of two switches at the Siedlce station, enabling train access to five tracks with platform edges.
  3. Option 3: Unilateral right of the Ordering Party to increase the scope of the Contract to include the design and execution of works related to the installation of the CSDIP along with accompanying systems.

The total maximum value of the Contract may amount to PLN 253,353,376.39 net. This total value consists of:

  1. Basic Scope – PLN 231,499,414.47 net
  2. Optional Scope:
    • Option 1 – PLN 8,195,981.54 net
    • Option 2 – PLN 8,033,604.64 net
    • Option 3 – PLN 5,624,375.74 net

According to the contract, the estimated share of Trakcja S.A. in the execution of the Contract is 30%, with the final share to be determined in the execution agreement to be concluded between the Consortium members after the signing of the Contract.

The works, both under the Basic Scope and the Optional Scope, are to be completed within 1,875 days from the date of signing the Contract. This will be confirmed by the final acceptance made by the Ordering Party. Subsequently, within 240 days from the final acceptance, the Contractor will provide the Ordering Party with permits for the commissioning of structural subsystems, in accordance with the Railway Transport Act.

The other conditions of the Contract are consistent with the conditions commonly applied to this type of contracts.

Legal Basis: Article 17 MAR
