29/09/2023 13:4435/2023 – Information on Settlement and Amendment to the Contract by Trakcja S.A. – Remuneration Indexation
Zarząd Spółki Trakcja S.A. (“Spółka”, “Emitent”) informs that today it has been notified of the bilateral agreement signed on September 29, 2023, between the Company and the City of Bydgoszcz – City Road and Public Transport Management in Bydgoszcz (“Ordering Party”). The agreement includes an amendment (“Amendment”) and a settlement (“Settlement”) to the contract signed on July 5, 2021, for the “Construction of the tram route connecting ul. Fordońska with ul. Toruńska along with the expansion of the road network and reconstruction of the rail transport infrastructure in Bydgoszcz” (“Contract”).
Due to the war in Ukraine and the resulting circumstances, the parties have introduced the possibility of indexation of the Company’s remuneration based on updated and market-adjusted terms. The maximum total value of the remuneration indexation shall not exceed PLN 15 million gross. The indexation will apply to the Company’s remuneration for work performed starting from March 1, 2022. As of the date of the Amendment and Settlement, the value of the indexation due to the Company for work performed from March 1, 2022, amounts to PLN 8.4 million gross.
Under this Amendment, the other significant terms of the Contract remain unchanged.
Legal Basis: Article 17 MAR