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19/02/2015 15:35

8/2015 – Personal changes in the Management Board

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (the “Company”) hereby informs that on 19 February 2015, Mr Roman Przybył, submitted his resignation from the position of the President of the Management Board. The reasons of the resignation are indicated as personal.

In conjunction with the resignation tendered by Mr Roman Przybył the Supervisory Board today appointed Mr Jarosław Tomaszewski, Chief Financial Officer and the Vice-President of the Management Board, as the acting President of the Management Board.

Moreover, according to current report no. 37/2014, today the Supervisory Board accepted withdrawal of Miss Marita Szustak’s statement of resignation from being member of the Management Board.

Legal basis:  § 5 paragraph 1, point 21 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on the current and periodic disclosures to be made by issuers of securities and conditions for recognition as equivalent of information whose disclosure is required under the laws of a non-member state.
