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24/01/2024 19:57

4/2024 – Information on the Conclusion of Further Settlements with PKP PLK

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company”), in reference to the information provided in the consolidated periodic report for the first half of 2023 and the third quarter of 2023 regarding the value of mediations concerning contract claims, informs that today, as a result of mediations with PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (“PKP PLK”) with the participation of a mediator from the Arbitration Court at the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland, the following settlements were concluded:

  • A settlement to agreement No. 90/107/0028/19/Z/I dated July 4, 2019, for the reconstruction of track systems along with accompanying infrastructure on the E59 railway line, section Stargard – Szczecin Dąbie, under the project “Works on the E59 railway line on the section Poznań Główny – Szczecin Dąbie,” under which PKP PLK committed to pay the Company an amount of PLN 35,005,635.93 gross;
  • A settlement to agreement No. 90/107/0029/19/Z/I dated October 11, 2019, for the reconstruction of track systems along with accompanying infrastructure on the E59 railway line, section Choszczno – Stargard, under the project “Works on the E59 railway line on the section Poznań Główny – Szczecin Dąbie,” under which PKP PLK committed to pay the Company an amount of PLN 9,700,170.68 gross.

The signing of the above mediation settlements with PKP PLK has already been taken into account in the cyclical review process of long-term contracts and had a positive impact on the budget update results of contracts in the fourth quarter of 2023. The total impact of the contract budget updates on the Company’s gross result, as reported by the Company in current report 3/2024, also includes the effects of the above mediation settlements.

Legal basis: Article 17 of MAR (Market Abuse Regulation).
