21/08/2024 13:1345/2024 – Information on the Conclusion of a Significant Contract by Trakcja S.A.
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company,” “Issuer”) informs that today it has entered into a contract with the City of Łódź – Municipal Investments Management Board, based in Łódź, as the Ordering Party. The contract pertains to the execution of works within the project “Extension of al. Śmigłego-Rydza from the intersection with Dąbrowskiego Street to the intersection with Broniewskiego Street and Niższa Street from the intersection with Broniewskiego Street to the intersection with Śląska Street, including the construction of a tram and bus loop at the intersection of Niższa and Śląska Streets,” part of the EU project “Comprehensive program for integrating low-emission public transport networks in the Łódź metropolitan area, including the purchase of rolling stock for the W-Z route and other communication lines and the modernization of tram depots in Łódź” (the “Contract”). The conclusion of this Contract follows the selection of the Company’s offer as the most advantageous bid in an open tender.
The net value of the Contract is PLN 62,135,431.12 (sixty-two million one hundred thirty-five thousand four hundred thirty-one zlotys and twelve groszy). The works are to be completed within 17 months from the date of the Contract’s conclusion.
The remaining terms of the Contract are consistent with the commonly used conditions for such contracts.
The Issuer’s Management Board decided to publish this information as the execution of the aforementioned investment task constitutes a significant portion of the Company’s order portfolio and impacts the maintenance of current and the increase of future revenues and results of the Company.
Legal Basis: Article 17 MAR