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24/07/2018 12:19

17/2018- Information on the conclusion of the agreements

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) informs that the Company has signed today two contracts with the PKP PLK S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, covering the execution of design and construction works envisaged within the project of the development of “Construction of Metropolitan Railway in Szczecin with use of current existed sections of railway lines no. 406, 273, 351”, which total net value amounts to PLN 481.2 million (hereinafter the “Agreements”). Agreements concern the following tasks:

  1. Task A – „Modernization of railway line no. 406 on Szczecin Główny – Police section” (net value is PLN 375.8 million; date of works completion within a period is no longer than 25 months from date of the agreement conclusion),
  2. Task B – „Modernization of selected passenger infrastructure on railway lines no. 273, 351, 401” (net value is PLN 105.5 million; date of works completion within a period is no longer than 22 months from date of the conclusion of the agreement).

Other terms and conditions of the agreement are similar to those commonly used for this type of agreements.

The Issuer’s Management Board has decided to publish this information, as the Issuer’s share in the value of the Agreement constitutes an important share in the Issuer’s portfolio of contracts to be completed on the railway market, and affects the maintenance of the Issuer’s current and the improvement of future revenues and results.

Legal basis:

Art. 17 MAR
