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8/11/2022 14:51

83/2022 – Notice on change in the share of the total number of votes

The Management Board of  Trakcja S.A. (the „Company”) informs that on 8 November 2022, the Company received notice from PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe  S.A. and Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu, pursuant to Article 69(1)(1) and (2)(2) in connection with Article 87(1)(5) and Article 77h(3) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to the organised trading system and on public companies – concerning the change and the exceeding of the threshold of 90% of the total number of votes by PKP PLK SA and ARP, and the change of the previously held share of over 33% of the total number of votes by at least 1% of the total number of votes in the Company. At the same time, the notice concerns exceeding 15% of the total number of votes in the Company by ARP alone.
The above change in the share of votes occurred as a result of the settlement of Phase 2 of the tender offer for the sale of the Company’s shares

The detailed contents of the notice are hereby provided by the Company as a schedule hereto.
Legal basis:
Article 70 (1) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to the organised trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 185, Item 1439, as amended)
