1/02/2022 00:008/2022 Receipt of a notification from the Company’s shareholders – extension of the Contract’s term
The Management Board of Company Trakcja S.A. (“the Company”) with reference to current report no. 46/2021 and 60/2021 hereby informs that today, the Company was informed of the notification submitted by the Company’s shareholders – Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (“ARP”) and COMSA S.A.U. with its registered office in Barcelona (“COMSA”) (ARP and COMSA hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Parties”), in which they inform that pursuant to the concluded Annex the Parties extended the expiry date of the concluded preliminary contract of sales of shares and conditional contract of sales of bonds issued by the Company (“the Contract”) in case of a failure of the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders to pass a resolution concerning an increase in the Company’s share capital from the amount of PLN 69,160,780.80 to the amount of PLN 269,160,780.80 by issuing 250,000,000 new E series ordinary shares with a value of PLN 0.80 each. In compliance with the contents of the notification the expiry date of the Contract in case of not passing the aforementioned resolution has been extended until 30 April 2022.
The Company attaches the full contents of the received notification.
Legal grounds: Article 17 of MAR