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13/06/2013 20:40

56/2013 – Information on appointment of Mr Miquel Llevat Vallespinosa as Member of the Supervisory Board

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that during the session of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company, which was held on 12 June 2013, COMSA S.A. with its registered office in Barcelona, a shareholder of the Company, acting pursuant to Art. 13 par. 4 of the Company Statutes, appointed Mr Miquel Llevat Vallespinosa as Member of the Supervisory Board.

Required information on the appointed person:

Mr Miquel Llevat Vallespinosa has a university degree in engineering.

Previously held positions and professional career:

1991 – 1993 – Chief Operating Officer – Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC, Barcelona, Spain)

1993 – 2000 – Chief Executive Officer – Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC, Barcelona, Spain)

1994 – 2000 – Managing Director – Ferrocariles de Montana de Grandes Pendientes S.A.(FMGP, Barcelona, Spain)

2000 – until present – Chief Technical Officer – COMSA GROUP (at present COMSA EMTE GROUP)

2004 – until present – Chief Transport & Logistics Officer – COMSA GROUP (at present COMSA EMTE GROUP)

2010 – until present – Chief International Development Officer – COMSA GROUP (at present COMSA EMTE GROUP)

Until 29 June 2012, Mr Miquel Llevat Vallespinosa held the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and since 4 July 2012 he has been holding the position of a member of the Supervisory Board of Trakcja S.A.. Moreover, Mr Miquel Llevat Vallespinosa is now holding the position of a member of boards of directors in the following companies: IDNEO TECHNOLOGIES,S.L., SERVICIOS INTEGRALES FERROVIARIOS,S.L., COMSA EMTE MEXICO,S.A de CV, SUCURSAL EN PORTUGAL, COMSA RAIL TRANSPORT SUCURSAL EN PORTUGAL, and the position of a member of the management board of COMSA EMTE sp. z o.o.

According to the submitted declaration, Mr Miquel Llevat Vallespinosa:

–         does not engage in competitive activities to the Company;

–         does not pursue private interests and does not perform other duties which would be in a conflict of interests with the duties towards the Company;

–         does not participate in companies competing with the Company as a partner in a civil law partnership, commercial law partnership or as a member of a body of a capital company, and is not engaged in any other legal entity competing with the Company as a member of its body;

–         is not entered into the Register of Insolvent Debtors on the basis of the act on the National Court Register.

Legal basis: § 5, par. 1 point 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodical information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent
