25/11/2021 15:3247/2021- Information on the conclusion of an important contract by the subsidiary company AB Kauno Tiltai
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) informs that on this day, between the Issuer’s subsidiary company AB Kauno Tiltai based in Lithuania as the Leader of the consortium composed of:
– AB Kauno Tiltai – Leader of the consortium,
– Litenergoservis – Partner of the consortium, based in Vilnius, Lithuania,
further called the “Contractor”
LITGRID AB (LITGRID Joint-Stock Company) based in Vilnius, Lithuania, further called the “Contracting Authority”,
a contract for the “Construction of an 330 kV overhead power line Darbėnai-Bitėnai” (“Contract”) was bilaterally signed.
According to the Contract, the Contractor undertook to perform construction works in accordance with FIDIC contract terms.
The total net value of the concluded Contract is 46,930,000 EUR (219,684,023 PLN), of which AB Kauno Tiltai will receive the net amount of 32,851,000 EUR (153,778,816 PLN).
Works being the subject-matter of the Contract are to be completed as follows:
– AB Kauno Tiltai – completion in 70% of the value of the Contract, including general construction and special works and design works;
– Litenergoservis UAB – completion in 30% of the value of the Contract, including general construction and special works.
Works are to be completed in accordance with the Contract by 1st May 2025, and the work commencement date is the day of signing the Contract.
According to the Contract, the Contractor will provide a quality guarantee for a period of at least 10 years.
The other conditions of the Contract will be similar to conditions commonly used for contracts of this kind.
The Management Board of the Issuer decided to publish this information because the performance of the a/m contract constitutes a large part of the portfolio of orders being performed by Grupa Trakcja and the Issuer’s subsidiary company AB Kauno Tiltai and has an impact on the maintenance of current revenues and results and the increase of future revenues and results of Grupa Trakcja and AB Kauno Tiltai.
Legal basis:
Art. 17 of MAR