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7/06/2022 10:21

35/2022 – Notice received from shareholders – extension of the agreement’s validity

Further to Current Reports nos. 46/2021, 60/2021, 8/2022 and 22/2022, the Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the „Company”) informs that it has been advised of the notice submitted by the Company’s shareholders of Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. established in Warsaw (“ARP”) and COMSA S.A.U. established in Barcelona (“COMSA”) (ARP and COMSA are referred to further as the “Parties”), in which they advise that under the concluded annex  the Parties extended the date of expiry of the preliminary agreement on the sale of shares and conditional agreement on the sale of bonds issued by the Company (the “Agreement”) in the event of failure to adopt the  resolution on the increase of the Company’s share capital from the amount of PLN  69,160,780.80 to the amount of PLN 269,160,780.80 by the issue of 250.000.000 new ordinary shares, series E, of a value of PLN 0.80 each. In accordance with the contents of the notice, the deadline for the expiry of the Agreement in the event of failure to adopt the  resolution in question has been extended until 22 July 2022.
Enclosed please find the full contents of the received notice.

Legal basis: Article 17 MAR
