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21/03/2023 09:42

Łowicz residents with new viaduct over the tracks

An efficient and safe road viaduct over the E20 Warsaw-Poznań railway line in Łowicz has been commissioned. The collision-free crossing has increased the level of safety for road and rail traffic.

As of 17 March 2023, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are already using the road viaduct in Łowicz, built by Trakcja. The five-span design with an arch structure and a length of nearly 180 m was built along 3 Maja and Warszawska Streets, replacing a rail-road crossing.  The two-level intersection not only improved communication, but above all, it will significantly improve the safety of travellers and pedestrians. 
The facility has been fitted with new lighting, 2 lanes of 3.75 m wide traffic, as well as sidewalks and cycle paths. Lifts and ramps have been prepared for people with limited mobility. As part of the works, additional ground reinforcements and reconstruction of underground installations, previously not marked on the maps, were introduced. 

The structure in numbers
More than 560 tonnes of reinforcing steel, nearly 580 tonnes of structural steel and almost 4,000 m3 of concrete were used to construct the viaduct. 
The installation of the steel structure of the main span took place in two stages: Stage I – consolidation of the steel structure of the arch span on the assembly yard (all weighing 230 tonnes) and Stage II – assembly of the span structure using a 650-tonne capacity crawler crane during a night-time track shutdown.

The investment, worth over PLN 21 million, was commissioned by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. as part of the project entitled “Works on the E20 railway line between Warsaw and Poznań remaining works, Sochaczew – Swarzędz section”. The work is scheduled for completion in 2023. 
