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AB Kauno tiltai

Kauno Tiltai is the largest company of the infrastructural construction sector in the Baltic States. The firm specializes in construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, railroads, airports, harbors and public utility infrastructure.

Since the beginning of its operations i.e. 1949, Kauno Tiltai has constructed over 100 bridges and railway bridges and has been responsible for construction and modernizing of many roads on the area of the whole Lithuania. The Kauno Tiltai Group is formed by three companies busy with road constructing. The Group has over 1000 employees


Reconstruction of Via Baltica Road, Stage III, km 79.00-85.00

The third stage of the reconstruction of the A5 Kaunas – Marijampolė – Suwałki road involved widening the section from km 79.00 to 85.00, reconstructing the intersection at km 82.65, and installing noise barriers on the sides of the highway. The project aimed to develop the TEN-T road network and improve mobility conditions in the Marijampolė region. (2018 – 2019)

A. Meškinis Bridge over the Neris River on the A1 Road in Kleboniškis

The bridge over the Neris River near Kleboniškis (section of the A1 Vilnius – Kaunas – Klaipėda highway from km 99.29 to 100.47) was built over two years. It is one of the most important stages of the reconstruction of the northern Kaunas bypass, with a length of 1.18 km. The work included setting up a retaining wall, constructing a new bridge over the Neris River, a viaduct at Jonavos Street, and laying a new road and installations. The project, worth €32.34 million, aimed to develop the TEN-T road network, improve mobility conditions in the Marijampolė region, and increase traffic safety.

Reconstruction of Vilnius International Airport (5 projects in total)

During the three-year reconstruction (2019–2022), new taxiways were renovated and built, and the surfaces were replaced and widened to allow larger aircraft to taxi. The project aimed to develop the TEN-T road network, improve mobility conditions in the Marijampolė region, and increase traffic safety.

Construction of the Rail Baltica Railway Line on the Szesztokai – Marijampolė Section

The company “Kauno tiltai” executed the construction of the Rail Baltica railway line, building tracks of different widths including 34.5 km in European standard and 35.9 km of broad-gauge track in Russian standard (1520 mm), 4 bridges, 4 viaducts, 10 level crossings, culverts, heated switches, an underground pedestrian crossing, 5.3 km of noise barriers, mesh fencing, railway signaling, and other facilities. The tracks and platforms at Marijampolė and Kalvarija stations were adapted to serve trains of both track widths.

Optimization of the Northeast Lithuania Power Transmission Network

The project to optimize the northeast Lithuanian network, carried out by AB “Kauno tiltai,” adapted transformer substations and transmission lines for synchronization with the continental European networks. The contract value was around €30 million. The project contributed to improving the national power system and increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

Reconstruction of the Jakai Roundabout in Klaipėda, Stages I and II

In December 2010, Kauno Tiltai completed the first stage of the investment. The project included the construction of a four-lane, 610-meter long viaduct, the longest in Lithuania. The viaduct project was awarded a gold medal in the Lithuanian “Product of the Year 2010” competition. The investment also included rebuilding communication lines, water supply, and a main gas pipeline. Additionally, access roads were built, the tunnel viaduct was reconstructed, and a lighting system was installed. After the completion of the second stage, the Jakai Roundabout consisted of three levels. The second level included a 317-meter road towards Kaunas – Palanga, and the third level a 552-meter road towards Palanga – Kaunas. The roundabout was opened in November 2012.

Reconstruction of the Smiltynė Yacht Port

Since 2009, the company has invested in modern technologies and specialists to enter the water port infrastructure market. In March 2010, the first project was launched – the reconstruction of the water infrastructure in the Smiltynė port in Klaipėda. The project involved the construction of two port quays with a total length of 565 meters and a 204-meter pier. Additionally, the project included the construction of a sheet pile wall, a concrete superstructure, and surfaces for pedestrians and vehicles. The company also rebuilt port engineering facilities: lighting, electrical lines, and information systems. The work was completed in 2011.

Reconstruction of the Runway at Kaunas Airport

The project included the renovation of a 45-meter wide and 1.911-kilometer long runway. During the reconstruction work, airport operations were not suspended; the work was carried out at night, from midnight to 6 AM. The project implementation period was 2010.

Budowa zachodniej obwodnicy Wilna, faza I

Odcinek obwodnicy od ulicy Oslo do ulicy Asanaviciutes został zbudowany z łącznie sześcioma pasami ruchu w obu kierunkach. Dodatkowo w ramach projektu wybudowano pasy hamowania, dwupoziomową drogę oraz tunel. Zainstalowano również sieci inżynieryjne oraz oświetlenie. Projekt był realizowany w latach 2009-2010.

Reconstruction of the Lazdynai Bridge in Vilnius

During the renovation of the bridge, the existing six traffic lanes were replaced with eight, and the bridge was integrated into the existing street network. Additionally, engineering networks, lighting, and electric lines for trolleybuses were reconstructed. The work was carried out from 2008 to 2010.

Reconstruction of the Railway Tunnel in Kaunas

The length of the reconstructed tunnel was 1,285 meters, with a height of 6.6 meters and a width of 8.8 meters. During the work, a 108-meter section of the tunnel was reconstructed, electrical systems, emergency communication systems, and lighting were renewed, and a protection and drainage system was installed to manage groundwater accumulation in the tunnel’s underground areas. The project was awarded a gold medal in the “Product of the Year 2008” competition. The investment was carried out from 2007 to 2009.

Construction of the Southern Bypass of Vilnius

The project involved constructing a bypass and a road that forms the missing link in the IXB transport corridor. Kauno Tiltai built the second-longest (380-meter) viaduct in Lithuania, overpasses, pedestrian crossings, protective screens, and the remaining transport infrastructure network. New sidewalks and bicycle paths were also built along the bypass, and noise-reducing acoustic screens were installed. The viaduct was awarded a gold medal in the “Product of the Year 2009” competition. The project was completed between 2006 and 2009.
