10/10/2019 13:2756/2019 – Information on the appointment of Mr. Arkadiusz Arciszewski the Deputy President of the Management Board
The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (‘the Company’, ‘the Issuer’) informs that the Supervisory Board of the Company adopted on 10 October 2019 a resolution, under which Mr. Arkadiusz Arciszewski was appointed the Deputy President of the Management Board of the Company as of 10 October 2019.
Mr. Arkadiusz Arciszewski graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in the specialty Construction of Roads and Bridges at the Kielce University of Technology.
Professional experience:
13.01.2003- 10.01.2003 Construction Engineer – Dromex S.A./BUDIMEX DROMEX S.A.
13.01.2003- 31.08.2003 Construction Engineer / Claim Specialist – STRABAG Sp. z o.o.
1.09.2003-31.05.2009 Contract Manager – Budimex Dromex S.A.
1.06.2009-31.12.2012 Contract Director /Construction Manager – P.R.I. POL-AQUA S.A.
1.01.2013-31-08.2013 Deputy Director of the Investment Implementation Center – PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.
1.09.2013-28.02.2014 Member of the Board – BUDTH sp. z o.o.
1.03.2014-31.08.2016 President of the Management Board – BUDTH sp. z o.o.
12.10.2015-30.08.2016 Contract director– Trakcja PRKiI S.A.
1.09.2016-31.03.2017 Contact engeener– TPF sp. z o.o.
1.04.2017-28.11.2018 Director of the Communication Construction Division (PBK) – IDS-BUD S.A.
17.12.2018-31.07.2019 Director of the North Region – road and bridge division – Trakcja PRKiI S.A.
1.08.2019 – 10.10.2019 Chief executive oficer – Trakcja PRKiI S.A.
During his professional career Mr. Arkadiusz Arciszewski was responsible for a number of key infrastructure investments in Poland, including, among others, for:
- Central Railway Main Line – Line 4 (on behalf of the Investor);
- Modernization of the E65 Railway Line (on behalf of the Investor);
- Construction of an express road on the S7 section Kraków-Rabka Zdrój on the Lubień-Repair section;
- Expansion of national road No. 8 Warsaw-Białystok to the parameters of the express road on the section Wyszków – border of the Podlaskie Voivodeship, section Ib – ‘Poręba’ junction (without the junction) – the beltway of Ostrów Mazowiecka from km 529+470.00 to km 545+582.04 about 16.11 km long”
- Design and construction of the S-5 express road section 6 from the ‘Szubin’ junction (with the junction) to the “Jaroszewo” junction (with the junction) with a length of about 19.3 km
- Construction of the North Bridge Route in Warsaw
- Construction of the S-8 express road, section of the Wyszków bypass
- Construction of the Siekierkowska Route Task IIB, section from the Bora-Komorowski interchange to Płowiecka St.
Mr. Arkadiusz Arciszewski, according to the presented statement, on the day of commencing the execution of the mandate, i.e. as at October 10, 2019:
- does not conduct any other activity outside the Issuer’s enterprise that would be competitive to the Issuer,
- is not a partner in any other competitive civil, partnership or capital company,
- does not participate in a competitive legal entity as a member of its body.
In addition, Mr. Arkadiusz Arciszewski is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the Act on the National Court Register.
Legal basis: § 5 clause 5 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the law of a non-member state (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 757).8 r. poz. 757).