Kurs zamknięcia: TRK 2,4300 D/D-1: -0,0600 (-2,41%) More
30/04/2020 00:10

11/2020 – Establishment of the Terms of Issue of F Series Bonds and G Series Bonds convertible to D Series Shares

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (”Company”) hereby informs that on 29 April 2020 it has signed the Terms of Issue of F Series Shares and G Series Shares convertible to D Series Bonds, with the total nominal value of PLN 27,647,487 (say: twenty seven million six hundred and seventy four thousand four hundred and eighty seven zloty), which were previously approved by a resolution of the Company’s Management Board; the signing of the Terms of Issue was performed pursuant to resolution no. 3 of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of 11 December 2019, amended by resolution no. 3 of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of 14 January 2020 (as notified by the Company in the Current Report No. 79/2019 and the Current Report No. 3/2020).

In accordance with the above-mentioned resolutions, the Company’s Management Board agreed to submit an offer for subscription of F Series Bonds and an offer for subscription of G Series Bonds. F Series Bonds will be covered by collateral defined in the Terms for F Series Bonds, in particular by a mortgage. G Series bonds will not be covered. Bonds shall bear an interest rate based on WIBOR 1M increased by the agreed margin. Interest shall be calculated monthly, whereas the interest on G Series Bonds shall be paid at the earliest along with the purchase of G Series Bonds. Bonds may be subject to earlier purchase in situations foreseen in law regulations, as well as in circumstances typical for this type of bonds as defined in the terms of issue for F Series Bonds and G Series Bonds, in account of the resolutions of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meetings.

Legal basis for the report:

Article 17 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)
