10/02/2022 15:059/2022 Information on the conclusion of a material contract by the subsidiary AB Kauno Tiltai
The Management Board of the Company Trakcja S.A. (‘the Company’, ‘the Issuer’) hereby informs that today, a contract on ‘The reconstruction project and construction works 330/110/10 kV of the transformer substation Jonava’ (‘the Contract’) has been bilaterally signed by the Issuer’s subsidiary AB Kauno Tiltai with its registered office in Lithuania (‘the Contractor’) and LITGRID AB (LITGRID Joint-stock Company) with its registered in Vilnius, Lithuania (‘the Employer’).
The total net value of the concluded Contract amounts to EUR 19,940,000 (PLN 89,488,726).
Works are to be performed within 46 months as of the starting day, i.e. as of the day of signing the Contract.
The Contract includes guarantees for works provided for in the Contract, in agreed scopes and on agreed dates.
The remaining terms of the Contract do not differ from the terms commonly applied for this type of contracts.
The Issuer’s Management Board decided to publish this information, since execution of the aforementioned Contract constitutes a significant share in the procurement portfolio of Trakcja Group and the Issuer’s subsidiary AB Kauno Tiltai and it has an impact on maintaining current revenues and results, and increasing future revenues and results of Trakcja Group and the Company AB Kauno Tiltai.
Legal grounds:
Article 17 MAR