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12/02/2015 13:56

7/2015 Information on the write-down on investment real estates owned within Trakcja Group

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that on 11 February 2015, based on the received initial reports on valuation of assets included in the investment real estate portfolios of the Issuer and companies in the Group of Companies (“Group”), the write-down on investment real estates was made in the amount of PLN 7,264,000.00 (say: seven million two hundred sixty-four thousand Polish zlotys). The amount of write-down on investment real estates solely owned by the Issuer was PLN 7,608,000.00 (say: seven million six hundred eight thousand Polish zlotys).

The write-down on investment real estates shall decrease the consolidated financial result for 2014 (in the gross amount of PLN 7,264,000.00) and non-consolidated financial result for 2014 (in the gross amount of PLN 7,608,000.00) as well as the value of the balance sheet amount recognised in the consolidated balance sheet of Trakcja Group and non-consolidated balance sheet of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. as for 31 December 2014 in the analogous amounts.

The final value depends on the receipt of the final valuation reports and completion of the annual audit and shall be disclosed in the financial statements of the Issuer and its Group of Companies for 2014.

Legal basis for the report:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and Conditions of Financial Instruments Introduction into an Organised Trading System and on Public Companies (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1382).
