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1/08/2013 20:46

67/2013 – Estimated consolidated financial results of Trakcja Capital Group and estimated unitary financial results of Trakcja for the first half-year period of 2013

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (hereinafter: “Company”), in reference to current report no. 63/2013 of 25 July 2013 regarding the commencement of the restructuring process with the aim of simplifying the organisational structure, which will streamline the management of Trakcja Capital Group (hereinafter: “Group”), and merging 5 companies, hereby informs that on 1 August 2013, pursuant to the relevant resolution, the Management Board decided to provide estimated financial information for the first half-year period of 2013 at an earlier date, in connection with the need to disclose to the banks with which the Company and companies from the Group had concluded agreements concerning banking products and to the bond holders of the Company the estimated consolidated financial results of the Group and estimated unitary financial results of Trakcja S.A. for the first half-year period of 2013 in order to accelerate the process of obtaining appropriate consents to the restructuring. In relation to the above, the Company publishes estimated consolidated financial results of the Group and estimated unitary financial results of Trakcja S.A. for the first half-year period of 2013.

Selected estimated financial results of the Group and of the Company for the first half-year period of 2013 are presented in appendix no. 1 to this report. The order portfolio of the Group as of the end of June 2013, including contracts signed until 1 August 2013, amounted to PLN 3.956bn. The net value of the contracts entered into by the Trakcja Group in 2013 until 1 August 2013 was PLN 1.049bn.

The above estimated have been prepared on the basis of preliminary consolidated financial statements of the Group and of Trakcja for the first half-year period of 2013, which have not yet been examined by a statutory auditor.

The results of the Group and of the Company for the first half-year period of 2012, with which comparison is made, have been adjusted in relation to the results published on 31 August 2012 in the Consolidated Half-Year Statement containing abbreviated unitary financial information for the first half-year period of 2012, in connection with a change in the presentation of costs referred to in note no. 11 of the Consolidated Quarterly Statement for the period of 3 months ending on 31 March 2013 published on 15 May 2013. The impact of this change on the results of the Group and of the Company for the first half-year period of 2012 will be discussed in more detail in the Consolidated Half-Year Statement for the first half-year period of 2013.

Any adjustments of the presented estimated results of the Group and of the Company for the first half-year period of 2013 will be presented in the Consolidated Half-Year Statement for the first half-year period of 2013. Such adjustments may result from auditor’s corrections or from an impact of significant events occurring after the balance sheet date on consolidated or unitary financial data.

The Consolidated Half-Year Statement (PSr_2013) containing abbreviated financial information for the first half-year period of 2013 will be published on 30 August 2013, of which the Company informed in current report no. 6/2013 of 25 January 2013.

Legal basis: § 5 par. 1 point 25 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state.
