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31/10/2019 19:56

65/2019 – Admission and introduction to trading of rights to series B shares

In reference to the current report of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (‘Company’) No. 64/2019 of October 25, 2019 the Company’s Management Board informs that on October 31, 2019, the Company received information about the undertaking by the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”) of Resolution No. 1133/2019 of October 31, 2019, pursuant to which the Management Board of WSE is to introduced on November 6, 2019, on stock market trading on the primary market 10.279.909 (ten million two hundred seventy nine thousand nine hundred and nine) rights to ordinary series B bearer shares of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 0.80 (eighty groszy) each (“Rights to Series B Shares”), under condition of registration of Rights to Series B Shares no later than November 6, 2019, by National Depository of Securities inc. and marking of Rights to Series B Shares with the code “PLTRKPL00097”. Rights to Series B Shares will be listed in the continuous trading system under the abbreviated name „TRAKCJA-PDA” and mark „TRKA”. The resolution of the GPW Management Board entered into force on the day of its adoption.

Legal basis:

§ 17 section 1 point 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing information required by laws of non-member states as equivalent.
