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30/07/2019 19:23

33/2019 – Conclusion of annexes to the bridge financing documentation

In reference to the current report of the company Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (‘Company’) No. 12/2019 dated 13 June 2019 regarding the conclusion of agreements regarding bridging financing, current reports of the Company No. 19/2019 dated June 21, 2019 and No. 20/2019 dated June 24, 2019. regarding the conclusion of annexes to the financing documentation, current report of the Company No. 20/2019 of June 26, 2019 regarding the correction of the current report No. 20/2019 dated June 24, 2019 and the Company’s current report No. 24/2019 of June 27, 2019 concerning the conclusion of an annex to the agreement between creditors, the Management Board of the Company informs that on 30 July 2019, the Company signed the following documents:

1. annex to the agreement between the creditors concluded on June 13, 2019 (‘Agreement Between Creditors’) between: the Company, its subsidiaries, i.e .: Bahn Technik Wrocław sp. z o.o., PRK 7 Nieruchomości sp. z o.o., Przedsiębiorstwo Drogowo Mostowe BIAŁYSTOK S.A., Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno – Usługowe “DALBA” sp. z o.o., mBank S.A., Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A., Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., AXA Ubezpieczenia Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji S.A., Credendo – Excess & Surety Societe Anonyme, operating in Poland through Credendo – Excess & Surety S.A. branch in Poland, Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń ERGO Hestia S.A., Korporacja Ubezpieczeń Kredytów Eksportowych S.A., Generali Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A., Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń S.A., UNIQA Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. and COMSA, S.A.U. (‘Annex to the Agreement between Creditors’) and annexed on June 27, 2019, as announced by the Company in its current report No. 24/2019. Pursuant to the Annex to the Agreement between Creditors, the period of cooperation between entities that are parties to the Agreement between Creditors has been extended until 30 August 2019.

2. annex to the loan agreement concluded on June 13, 2019 between the Company and COMSA, S.A.U. (“Loan Agreement”) and annexed on June 24, 2019, as announced by the Company in current report No. 20/2019, according to which the repayment date of the loan was changed to September 2, 2019.

Apart from the above changes, no significant provisions of the Agreement between the Creditors and the Loan Agreement have not changed.

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