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29/04/2022 13:14

23/2022 – Adoption by the subsidiary of a resolution as regards the distribution of the dividend

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company” or “Issuer”) hereby informs that the general meeting of the subsidiary AB Kauno tiltai established in Kaunas, Lithuania, has adopted today a resolution as regards the distribution of a dividend for 2021, in the amount of EUR 1,607,377.08. In accordance with the contents of the resolution, the dividend shall be paid under the stipulation that the financial institution which finances the subsidiary provides its consent for payment of the dividend.
The portion of the Dividend payable to the Company in its capacity of a shareholder of AB Kauno tiltai amounts to EUR 1,576,218.98 (that is, approximately PLN 7,394, 831.34).
In the event the foregoing condition is satisfied and the dividend is received, it shall be reflected in the Issuer’s financial statements for the II quarter of  2022.

Legal basis: Article 17 MAR
