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29/10/2018 13:42

21/2018 – Update of the information about the intention to sell selected real properties

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“Company”) in reference to Current Report No. 20/2018 of October 26, 2018 regarding the intention to sell selected real properties and the allocation of funds obtained from the sale to optimize the structure of external financing by financing the demand for working capital to a larger extent with own funds, informs that today the Supervisory Board of the Company agreed to enter into property sale agreements.

Pursuant to the Commercial Companies Code, the Management Board will apply to the General Meeting for consent to conclude property sale agreements. The Management Board will inform the Management Board of the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting in whose agenda the meeting will be adopted, pursuant to art. 402 (1) of the Commercial Companies Code and in the current report.

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