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4/06/2020 19:10

20/2020 – Information about the conclusion of a substantive agreement by a subsidiary, AB Kauno tiltai

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. [”Company”, “Issuer”] hereby informs that today it became aware about the signing of an agreement between the Issuer’s subsidiary, AB Kauno tiltai [based in Lithuania] and the Management Board of the Municipality of the Klajpedy Town [”Contracting Authority”] of 4 June 2020 for the following construction works: “Reconstruction of the roundabout at the cross-section of Baltijos street, Silutes street (including the entry to the Dubysos street), and Wilenska street, including the preparation of the design of the works” [”Agreement”.]

The total net value of the Agreement amounts to EUR 25 170 559.00 [PLN 111 623 878,00.] The works under this Agreement are to be performed within 30 months from the signing of the protocol of handing over the site.

Other terms of the Agreement do not differ from contractual terms that are usually applied in this type of agreements.

The Issuer’s Management Board has decided to publish this information because the value of the Agreement constitutes an important share in the contracts portfolio of the subsidiary, AB Kauno tiltai, and can influence the maintenance of the level of the Trakcja Group’s current and future revenues and results.

Legal basis:  Article 17 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)
