23/01/2018 15:212/2018 – Information on the conclusion of the contract
The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) informs that the Company, acting as the Leader of the Consortium with AB Kauno Tiltai – as the Consortium Partner – has today signed a contract with the Municipal Office of the City of Gorzów Wielkopolski and with Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. based in Gorzów, covering the execution of construction works envisaged within the project of the development of a “System of Sustainable Municipal Transport in Gorzów Wielkopolski”, related to the municipal transport system, including: the renovation of tramway tracks, construction of tramway platforms and roads – in accordance with the contractual scope.
The net value of the contact is PLN 45,323,568.89. The works are to be concluded within 19 months beginning with the date of the signing of contract. The remaining conditions of the Contract are analogous with such provisions commonly used in this kind of contracts.
The Management Board of the Issuer has decided to publish this information, because its participation in this contract represents a significant step in the direction of the Company’s return to municipal project related to the renovation of tramway and trolleybus infrastructure.
Legal basis:
Art. 17 MAR