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4/07/2019 15:44

28/2019 – Information about the conclusion of the contract

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (‘Company’, ‘Issuer’) informs that today the Company as a Consortium Leader composed of:

– Trakcja PRKiI Spółka Akcyjna – Leader of the Consortium

– SCHWEERBAU GmbH & Co. KG Bauunternehmen – Consortium partner

– „SBM” Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa – Consortium partner

signed with PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. with headquarters in Warsaw (‘Ordering Party’), a contract for the execution of construction works:

‘Reconstruction of track layouts along with accompanying infrastructure on the E59 railway line Stargard – Szczecin Dąbie section as part of the »Work on the E59 railway line on the Poznań Główny – Szczecin Dąbie section« project’ (‘Agreement’).

The total net value of the Agreement is PLN 560 684 521.66. Due to its implementation, the Company will receive a remuneration of 50% of its total value, ie PLN 280 342 260.83 net. The works being the subject of the Agreement are to be completed by 30.11.2020. The other terms of the Agreement do not differ from those commonly used for this type of contracts.

The Issuer’s Management Board has decided to publish this information because the implementation of the above-mentioned The contract constitutes a significant share in the portfolio of orders executed by the Issuer on the railway market.

Legal basis:

Art. 17 MAR
