13/04/2012 19:0212/2012 – Information regarding submitting an application for a declaration of bankruptcy with the possibility to enter into arrangement by the company dependent on the Issuer – Poldim S.A.
Trakcja – Tiltra S.A. Board of Directors(“Issuer”) informs that today, i.e. on 13th April 2012, the subject dependent on the Issuer: Poldim S.A. with its registered office in Tarnów submitted to the District Court in Tarnów, V Commercial Division, an application for a declaration of bankruptcy with the possibility to enter into arrangement.
Legal basis:§ 5, item 1, point 24 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19th February 2009 on the current and periodical information published by issuers of securities and on conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a third country may be recognised as equivalent.