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8/05/2015 15:34

15/2015 – Information on conclusion of agreements of significant value

The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“the Company”) hereby announces that in the last 12 months it has concluded with Grupa mBank agreements amounting to total PLN 72,400,000.00 (say: seventy-two million and four hundred thousand Polish zloty).

The highest value agreement is the Revolving Credit Agreement for up to PLN 50,000,000.00 (say: fifty million Polish zloty), hereinafter “the Agreement”, concluded between the Company and mBank Spółka Akcyjna based in Warsaw (“the Bank”). The Company has been notified today about the mutual signing of the Agreement.

The credit granted under the Agreement will be used to finance the Company’s contracts.

Crediting period: until 28 April 2017.


1. contractual mortgage for up to PLN 75,000,000.00 (say: seventy-five million Polish zloty) established on the land held by the Company in perpetual usufruct (long-term leasehold) and on the building real estate owned by the Company, constituting a separate property and built on the land,

2. blank promissory note issued by the Company, along with respective promissory note declaration of the Company,

3. assignment to the Bank of the claims due to the Company from PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. under Agreement 90/132/121/00/170000/10/I/I,

4. Company’s declaration of voluntary submission to enforcement under a bank enforcement order, pursuant to Art. 97 of the Act of 29 August 1997, Banking Law (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 1376, as amended)

Interest on the credit facility will be equal to the variable WIBOR rate for one-month interbank loans in PLN, with the stipulation however that if the base rate is negative, the Company and the Bank assume that the rate is 0 (say: zero) and will be increased by the Bank’s margin.

Other terms of the Agreement do not differ from the terms used in agreements of this type.

The criterion to deem the Agreement significant is the fact that the total value of agreements concluded with Grupa mBank in the last 12 months has exceeded 10% of the equity of the Company.

Legal grounds for the publication of the report:

§ 5, paragraph 1, clause 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognizing information required by the law of a non-Member State as being equivalent.
