14/03/2014 15:217/2014 – Information on Annexes to Material Agreement
The Management Board of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that yesterday, i.e. on 13 March 2014, the Company received Annexe (signed by both parties) to the Contract No. 90/132/281/00/11000838/10/I/I of 2 November 2010 for the design and performance of construction works on the Kraków-Medyka-country border railway line in the Podłęże-Bochnia section from km 16.000 to km 39.000 under the project named “Modernisation of E 30/C-E 30 Railway Line in the Kraków-Rzeszów Section, Stage III” (hereinafter the “Contract”), the conclusion of which the Company announced in Current Report No. 34/2010 of 3 November 2010.
By virtue of the aforementioned Annexe, the Parties to the Contract amended the completion date of the Contract and agreed that the Contractor would design and perform the Works no later than by 11 February 2015. Initially, the Contract was agreed to be completed within 40 months from the commencement of works (in accordance with the Contract), however, no later than by 31 January 2014.
Any other provisions of the Contract remained unchanged.
Simultaneously today, i.e. on 14 March 2014, the next annexe has been concluded to the said Contract, which changes the total net value of the Contract to PLN 583,308,849.27 (in words: five hundred eighty three million three hundred eight thousand eight hundred and forty nine Polish zlotys, 27/100), including the net value of works amounting to PLN 561,493,965.27 (in words: five hundred sixty one million four hundred ninety three thousand nine hundred and sixty five Polish zlotys, 27/100) or such an amount as may be due under the Contract within the time limits and in a manner stipulated by the Contract.
Legal basis: § 5 item 1 point 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent.