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10/10/2022 17:19

73/2022 – Notification of a change in the share in the total number of votes

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (“Company” or “Issuer”) informs that on 10 October 2022 it was notified by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. and Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. (“Shareholders”), in keeping with Article 69 para. 1 pt. 1) and para. 2 pt. 2) in conjunction with Article 87 para. 1 pt. 5 and Article 77h para. 3 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies (“Act”), that the Shareholders’ current share in excess of 33% in the general number of votes in the Company changed by at least 1% of the general number of votes. The notification also concerns the fact that Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. is entitled, acting alone, to cast over 10% of the general number of votes.
The aforementioned change in the share of votes was caused by the settlement of phase 1 of the call for share subscription in the Company.

In addition, on 10 October 2022 the Company was notified by COMSA S.A.U., in keeping with Article 69 para. 1 pt. 2 and Article 69b para. 1 pt. 2) of the Act, that the share in the general number of votes previously held by COMSA S.A.U. decreased to 0% and that the ownership of the Company’s bonds changed.

This change was caused by the sale by COMSA S.A.U. of the shares held in the Company under the call for share subscription published by the Shareholders and by the prior sale of bonds, of which the Company notified in Current Report No. 69/2022.

The details of the notifications are disclosed by the Company in an appendix hereto.

Legal basis:
Art. 70 pt. 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies (Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 185, item 1439, as amended)
