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7/06/2021 14:57

19/2021 – Change of venue of holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Trakcja S.A.

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company”, the “Issuer”), further to Current Report no. 9/2021, informs that the venue of holding the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting, convened for 10 September 2021, time: 9:00 AM (“EGM”) – has been changed. The new venue of holding the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the Wilanów Room i+ II at the Radisson Blu Sobieski Hotel (pl. Artura Zawiszy 1, 02-025 Warsaw).

The date and time of the commencement of the EGM have not been changed.

The Management Board has taken the decision on changing the venue of holding the EGM with a view of assuring proper conditions of holding the Meeting and of assuring a high standard of safety.

Bearing the above in mind, the Company’s management Board has provided the adjusted contents of the announcement on the convening of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting on 10 September 2021.

Legal basis:

§ 19 (1) (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 concerning current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities and conditions of recognizing information as equivalent required under the legislation of non-Member States
