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14/03/2022 13:46

13/2022 Information on the concluding of a contract

The Management Board of Trakcja S.A. (the “Company” or “Issuer”) hereby informs that Trakcja S.A. has signed today the following contract with the City of Łódź – Municipal Investments Administration with its seat in Łódź (the “Contracting Authority”): “Expansion of Plac Wolności , along with its technical infrastructure, transfer and maintenance of the spring, street furniture and planting, as well as the construction of roofing over the entrance of the “Detka” Canal Museum – Branch of the Łódź City Museum.

The net value of the contract amounts to PLN 27,168,840.57; conditional sums under this Agreement amount to a total of PLN 1,620,493.58, net. The work is to be completed within 18 months from the signing of the contract. The remaining terms and conditions of the contract do not differ from the terms and conditions generally applied for such contracts.

The Issuer’s Management Board has reached a decision for publishing this information, as the performance of the foregoing contract is a further step in the diversification of the Company’s activities.

Legal basis: Article 17 MAR
